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Living Rivers Currents
January 17, 2002

Volume 2, Number 1 (Special Issue: Grand Canyon in Crisis)

Save Grand Canyon from Glen Canyon Dam
Save Grand Canyon from Glen Canyon Dam
On January 17-18, 2002 Phoenix will host a meeting of the Glen Canyon Dam Adaptive Management Group--the stakeholder group responsible for managing the impacts of Glen Canyon Dam on Grand Canyon National Park. This group is clearly failing, as native species in Grand Canyon are worse off since the program began in 1996.

The Articles
Electroshock in the Grand Canyon
Grand Canyon: LR Calls for Immediate Action
Native Fish: Recovery or Rhetoric?
Silt Happens: LR Forcing Agencies to Respond
Take Action for the Grand Canyon
Colorado River Water Users Meeting: Environment Gains Recognition

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LRC V2, N1, January 2002

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